The Challenge

Systems for Rapid Growth

With rapid growth to more than twenty consultants within their first two years of operations, consulting firm Property Risk Australia (PRA) faced the challenge of meeting all the environment, health & safety, and quality (ESQ) requirements of their Tier 1 and 2 Construction and Government clients in a short time frame.


PRA required assistance in the design and implementation of an integrated management system (i.e. policies, procedures, forms, registers, training, auditing, and reporting) to aid collaboration, interdepartmental efficiencies, and consulting outcomes.

The Process

Certification to ISO Standards

Director of Blend ESQ, Robyn Johnson, in a prior role as PRA Group Manager – Systems and Compliance had worked with the team to develop a NATA-accredited quality management system, which was focused on the business’s asbestos air monitoring and laboratory analysis processes.


Building on the existing system, PRA opted to invest in triple certification of an integrated management system for the environment (ISO 14001), health and safety (AS/NZS 4801 / ISO 45001), and quality (ISO 9001). Robyn continued her vision to create a seamlessly integrated management system delivered via a SharePoint interface.



The Results

A Valuable Business Tool

The certified ISO Integrated Management System presented a solution that enabled PRA to meet client requirements, tender efficiently, establish quickly on site, and manage their ESQ business risks during and after the delivery of projects.


The strength of the business tool that evolved was a collaborative result, with active involvement from company directors. Auditors commented it was simple and with refinement they would expect to see in a global organisation.


A point of difference was the system’s focus on client satisfaction and the intricate weaving of requirements from all corporate functions of the business.

Blend ESQ Consulting Collaborations, Illawarra and Sydney Surrounds
Old Parliament House, Case Study with PRA Consulting
The Outcome

Kicking Strategic Goals

PRA returned on their triple certification investment within six months, winning a federal government contract to conduct hazardous building materials inspections on heritage buildings in our Nation’s capital, for which an ISO certified system was a tender requirement.


Testament to its solid foundations, the system has continued to improve with biannual surveillance audits and to evolve through commitment of PRA resources to provide a great service to their clients, to look after their people and to continually move the industry forward.

The Client

How we collaborate

Blend ESQ works directly with other specialist consulting firms. Cooperative, rather than competitive, we foster a strong network to bring specialist expertise to our clients.


Property Risk Australia (PRA) operates Australia wide, specialising in hazardous building materials, occupational hygiene and risks to property across the construction, infrastructure, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors; for public, private, and government clients.


To learn more about the Property Risk Australia team and business click here.


Pictured: Jai Choi, Finance Director, Property Risk Australia Pty Ltd.

Jai Choi, Finance Director, Property Risk Australia Pty Ltd
Integrated Management Systems
NATA-Accredited Laboratory
SharePoint Intranet Site

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